What changes are coming to Skype for TV?
Important update: Skype for TV is no longer available. Please sign into Skype on your computer, phone, tablet or browser to keep in touch with friends and family for free.
Since 2010, Skype has delivered a great calling experience in the living room in partnership with several TV manufacturers. But over the years, users have changed the way they use Skype, with the majority accessing it from a mobile device – including when in the living room. We want to make sure we prioritize delivering the best possible experience to the platforms our users are asking for, which is why we’ve decided to focus our efforts in other areas while supporting key functionality on Skype for TV for as long as possible.
What's changing for Skype for TV?Starting in June 2016, Skype has taken the decision to no longer support TV applications; there will be no updates to the application. Please check with your TV manufacturer to confirm when the app will be removed from your device. This will also affect new account creation and password resets. This will only be available through
Will I be able to use Skype for TV after June 2016?
This may vary depending on the TV model. TV manufacturers may remove the Skype for TV application from some or all of their models. If you have questions, please contact your TV manufacturer for information on the availability of Skype for TV on your TV model.
Перейти к решениюПретензия. Об отключении skype со 02.06.2016
РЕШЕНОHighlighted07-03-2016 15:49
Прошу разъяснить сложившуюс ситуацию.
После получения сообщения на smart tv samsung об отключении сервиса sype со 02/06/2016 , мои чуства веруещего в работу сервиса skype на устройстве smart tv samsung с видеокамерой samsung без изменений и на время срока службы данных устройств были оскорблены.
Статья 148. Нарушение права на свободу совести и вероисповеданий
Думаю обратиться в РОСКОМНАДЗОР с предложением о полном запрете skype на территории Российской федерации и переходе на модное "импортозамещение".Покупая телевизор фирмы samsung и видеокамеру для сервиса skype считаю что я уже оплатил пользование программой, если это не так, то меня ввела в заблуждение фирма smsung. Считаю это мошенничеством.